The magazines about SORD


SORD World

The SORD World was a magazine published in New Zealand every two months, which featured information, hints and updates about the SORD production range.

More infos and scan you can find at the website:

Other occurrences

Article about SORD M5 in the magazine Personal Computer World (PCW 1983-08).

Article about SORD M5 in the New Zealand's magazine Bits & Bites (Vol. 1, No. 11, 1983-08).

The computer SORD M5 is mentioned several times in the New Zealand's magazine Bits & Bites (Vol. 2, No. 4, 1983-12/1984-01).

Advertising in the magazine Super Juegos Para Todos Magazine from 1984, where is advertised the sale of SORD M5 in Spain: Pages 58 and 60

Super Juegos Para Todos Magazine - SORD M5 Super Juegos Para Todos Magazine - SORD M5


Occurrence of the SORD M5 computer in the contemporary magazines

Article about SORD M5 in the magazine Jurassic News (2009-03).

Article about SORD M5 in the magazine Kilobyte Magazine (2018-03).

Other occurrences

Because the SORD M5 was the first computer sold in former Czechoslovakia, articles about this computer were published in the local press in the eighties. More information can be found here (in Czech language).